Critical Questions!
Are volunteer gifts of time, talents and resources
left idle because they are unknown or not activated?
What is your ratio of staff to volunteer leaders?
How does your staff activate and maximize
volunteer opportunities, strengths and resources?
As volunteer stewardship grows, your staff will mature beyond
expectations, with more time and energy available for other areas.
Perhaps it’s time to get off the plateau and grow to the next
level in volunteer engagements and activate new potentials.
The truth is; a lot of the talking, listening and learning also
needs active volunteer applications and measurable results.
To whom much is given, much will be required. Luke 12:48
Would you consider talking to a skilled specialist with 35
years of experience implementing high-impact volunteer
structures and operational systems, providing Christian
nonprofits and ministries with value-building results?
Activating & Maximizing
Volunteer Gifts of Time, Talents,
and Resources for Christian
Nonprofits and Churches